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AIA's Tour of Wayne Newton's Home

Posted by nmc7842736fb2 on Oct 30, 2015 4:25:50 PM

AIA's recent meeting included the tour of Wayne Newton's home. It was unbelievable! Here are some photos we took.

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Topics: Blog, Miscellaneous, Home Decorating

Today’s Screen Doors Have It All

Posted by nmc7842736fb2 on Oct 23, 2015 2:05:15 PM

Today’s screen doors are not your grandparents’ screen doors.

Quality design and innovative functionality make the retractable screen doors manufactured by All Seasons superior to bulky, old-fashioned screen doors.

Our screen doors are fundamentally different than traditional screen doors in that the screens roll smoothly on a track along the top and bottom of a door jamb, tucking neatly into a fitted housing on the side of the frame, rather than the old-style of screens that were swing doors.

While the older type of doors are ugly, our modern screen doors are clean-looking and unobtrusive whether open or closed.

Residential and commercial customers of All Seasons, a division of Polar Shades Sun Control of Las Vegas, prefer our screen doors for additional reasons:

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Topics: Blog, Retractable Screen Doors

Elegant, Easy Motorized Shades for Home or Business

Posted by nmc7842736fb2 on Oct 15, 2015 10:29:29 AM

Motorized shades by Polar Shades provide so many more benefits than simply managing sunlight.

Check out the benefits of installing our customized motorized shades in your home or business:

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Topics: Electronics and Automation, Interior Shades, Blog

Motorized Window Shades

Posted by nmc7842736fb2 on Sep 26, 2015 2:01:50 PM

Motorized Window Shades Combine Convenience and Class

Technological advances have made many of the menial everyday tasks in our lives much easier and more efficient as well. This is no exception when it comes to shades for the windows in your home. Motorized window shades have made shade adjustments as easy as a flip of a switch.

These shades are not only great for adding a level of convenience, but also a level of elegance, to your home. There are several different options available to meet your specific color and design needs to enhance the décor in your home even more.

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Topics: Electronics and Automation, Interior Shades, Blog

French Door Shades

Posted by nmc7842736fb2 on Sep 2, 2015 9:26:06 AM

Polar Shades has become the go-to authority for all things covering windows and doorways, whether it is awnings, shades or retractable screens. French door shades have become a standard for new homes with these ornate doors. Filtering harsh sunlight saves on the fading and other deterioration of carpets and furnishings, plus makes your temperature control less expensive to maintain.

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Topics: Interior Shades, Blog, Home Decorating

Fabric Roller Shades

Posted by nmc7842736fb2 on Aug 20, 2015 8:11:35 AM

Want Efficient Lighting Without Excessive Glare? Consider Fabric Roller Shades

Whether it’s the glare from the living room windows shining on the screen, or your current shades let in light to the wrong places, you have likely suffered from the inadequacy of the typical shades found in homes. For the homeowner looking to get rid of difficult and flimsy stock blinds, consider switching to fabric roller shades.

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Topics: Interior Shades, Blog, Fabrics, Home Decorating

Retractable Screens

Posted by nmc7842736fb2 on Jul 18, 2015 4:30:24 PM

Years ago, screen doors were a necessity if you wanted to open the front or back door and let the breeze in while keeping out the bugs. Cross-ventilation was especially welcome during the summer months. Traditional screen doors have often been seen as almost unsightly. All Seasons Retractable screen are a great alternative to screen doors for those with aesthetics in mind.

Homeowners and owners of commercial properties have found versatile retractable screens are cost-effective, attractive solutions allowing for greater circulation while keeping out unwanted pests and dirt.

This left property owners who wanted to take advantage of natural ventilation to turn to chunky metal doors or unsightly sliding screen doors. Retractable screens are a great answer to these traditional solutions, leading to their increased popularity in recent years.

Customize Retractable Screens For Your Home

At roughly the same price of conventional screen doors, retractable screens have led to a change in natural ventilation solutions.

Most doors require a certain amount of space to swing open. Retractable screens, on the other hand, tuck neatly into the doorjamb when open. Even when closed, screen frames can easily be color-coordinated with the jamb to be practically invisible. This allows homeowners to match their screens with the décor of their home.

Retractable screens also allow for plenty of light and unobstructed views to the outside, when open or closed. In a mild climate, property owners are able to make the most of their screens by using them almost year-round. The climate and great opportunities for natural ventilation is an added benefit to the pleasing aesthetics of these screens.

Retractable screen are also great for doors with non-traditional shapes or sizes. Most dealers can customize retractable screen to fit nearly any opening. Consumers may choose from single-door or double-door retractable types. The double-door versions are perfect for wider spaces, such as French doors.

Another great option for retractable screens is to use them on a patio, porch or deck. In most cases, the screens can be built to enclose the space. This allows you the freedom to enjoy the beautiful weather even more with outdoor dining and entertainment possibilities.

These are a great option for a wide range of homeowners or commercial property owners looking for an aesthetically pleasing solution to traditional screen doors. If you are interested in learning more about retractable screens for your home or property, call All Seasons at (888) 424-0777 today.

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Topics: Blog, Retractable Screen Doors

Choosing the Right Manual Roller Shades

Posted by nmc7842736fb2 on Jun 13, 2015 9:57:02 AM

Choosing the right roller shades for a space in your home should not be particularly difficult. Still, it does take some time and effort. Here are some of the most important things to consider when looking at manual roller shades:

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Topics: Interior Shades, Blog, Fabrics, Home Decorating

Motorized Drapery Track

Posted by nmc7842736fb2 on May 11, 2015 9:57:27 AM

A Motorized Drapery Track – no longer a Luxury

There was a time when motorized drapery tracks were seen only in expensive luxury hotels and other commercial settings. With advancements in technology and manufacturing, this is no longer the case.

Today, homeowners are discovering the joys of automated draperies, blinds or shades that operate with the touch of a button, or can even be programmed to open and shut at certain times throughout the day.

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Topics: Electronics and Automation, Interior Shades, Blog, Home Decorating

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