Preparing your home for the holidays doesn’t have to be a stressful endeavor. If you get your kitchen organized ahead of time, cooking and meal prep will be a breeze.
Preparing your home for the holidays doesn’t have to be a stressful endeavor. If you get your kitchen organized ahead of time, cooking and meal prep will be a breeze.
Topics: Home Tips
It is easy for pollutants to penetrate the air in your home, potentially causing immediate problems for individuals with breathing difficulties (such as those with asthma) and future issues for those who live in your home. Follow these simple tips to eliminate air pollutants in your home:
Topics: Home Tips, Air Quality
When you're ready to remodel your kitchen, you have a vivid picture of what you want it to look like in your mind. A professional kitchen designer has the experience to help you you’re your vision into reality. Here are some expert tips for finding and working with a kitchen designer:
Topics: Kitchen
Few pieces of furniture make a statement better than a sofa. Sofas can single-handedly make or break your living room. They serve as the anchor piece and the cornerstone of your living room décor. When choosing a sofa, you will need to carefully consider many different comfort and stylistic elements to select the perfect one for your home.
Topics: Home Tips
Lighting sets the mood of every room in your house. Achieving the perfect amount of light, however, can be tricky. That’s why many homeowners choose to work with a lighting designer. Here are some reasons to consider doing so:
Topics: Lighting
Choosing an architect can be a complex process, simply because each professional has their own way of doing things. If you were to select a number of different architects to develop a floor plan for your new home, you would receive a different plan from each architect. Here are 5 questions you can ask as you decide the best person for the job:
Topics: Home Improvement
If you have limited space for an outdoor garden, are new to gardening or prefer portable plants, a container garden is a great fit for your needs. With winter right around the corner, take the time to prep your potted plants for cooler temperatures by following these steps:
Mold grows anywhere in the home, including on carpets, wooden structures, stone walls, drywall, leaking pipes, and above the ceiling tiles. Here are the most important tips to follow to prevent and remove mold from the house:
Topics: Home Tips
Proper home insulation can save homeowners “an average of 15 percent on heating and cooling costs,” they say. This is a significant amount, considering that most homeowners spend about $2,000 a year on those bills.
Topics: Home Tips, Home Improvement
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