How to Declutter You Entire Home in 4 Simple Steps

Many people let clutter pile up because the thought of clearing everything out is too overwhelming. The best way to go about removing clutter is to break the process down. Here is a simple, step-by-step guide to help you get started:
4 Simple Steps to Decluttering Your Home

1. Create an Action Plan
Identify the areas in your home that you need to clear out, then write them down in the order you want to work on them, from first to last. Next, write down a completion deadline for each space based on how much time you think each room will take to complete. This will keep you motivated and accountable, and having an end date will help keep you from feeling overwhelmed.
2. Designate Time
Consider the deadline you set, and plan time every day to work on each room based on the timeline you’ve established. For example, if you give yourself a one-week deadline for a particular room, calculate how many hours a day you think it will take to complete that room in a week. Choose a time in the day when you typically have the most energy or free time, and commit to working for the number of daily hours needed.
3. Set Aside Everything You’ll Need When Sorting
Before you begin decluttering, think about the various items you will need when sorting through your belongings, i.e. bins, boxes, bags, etc. Label them as “Keep”, “Toss” and “Donate”, and put several of each in every room you plan to organize. Setting these things aside ahead of time will allow you to work faster and more efficiently. It is also beneficial to consider whether or not you may need to rent a dumpster.
4. Start Decluttering
Once you’ve established an action plan, set up a timeline and done the prep work, it’s time to start the declutter process. Sort your items into your “Keep”, “Toss” and “Donate” categories by first asking yourself a few key questions:
- Do I like this item and why?
- How much use value does this item have?
- Is this item something I can part with?
These questions will help you determine what’s important to keep and what isn’t. If you’re on the fence about whether to keep a particular item, sleep on it. You can also create a category for “Not Sure” and come back to that pile later.
By following these steps, you’ll be able to declutter your whole house stress-free. Check out these articles for more home organization tips: