Everyone loves to have choices. However, when it comes to picking the right window shades for your kitchen, too many options can become bewildering for those new to home decorating.
Everyone loves to have choices. However, when it comes to picking the right window shades for your kitchen, too many options can become bewildering for those new to home decorating.
Topics: Interior Shades, Blog, Home Decorating
Windows often are the focal point in a room – and for good reasons. They do more than bring the lively aura of the outdoors directly indoors. If windows are covered with style and flair, they can provide the crowning touch to a room already furnished and decorated.
As much as 25 percent of the cool air you pay for might be sailing right out your windows through cracks, gaps and holes, the U.S. Department of Energy says.
Topics: Interior Shades, Blog
Many people struggle with finding their personal style. Whether you’re starting out in a new home, or updating the one you have, defining your home decorating style will help you choose colors, designs, and accents that reflect who you are. Decorating your home should always be fun, so here are three ways to set your creative decorating gears in motion. They’ll help you quickly pinpoint your individual style and, who knows, you may learn something new about yourself in the process!
Topics: Blog, Home Decorating
You’re probably looking forward to warmer weather, but before you know it, temperatures will be soaring. Fortunately, there are several ways to make your home (and you!) more comfortable, while reducing your summer energy bills.
Topics: Interior Shades, Blog
You may already know Polar Shades manufactures superior window shades and is one of the country’s premier suppliers of exterior and interior retractable shades. Or that we’re a family owned business with the largest inventory of roller shade fabrics in Nevada. But there’s so much more we’d like to share.
Topics: Electronics and Automation, Blog, Fabrics
No, they're not as expensive as your furnace and air conditioner. They're not even as expensive as your kitchen appliances or your washer and dryer. But window shades represent an investment in your home, and you want to ensure your investment is protected.
Topics: Blog, Miscellaneous
Winter is coming to an end in Vegas and it's a great time to get outside and make sure your backyard is ready for spring. Here are some ideas to help you clean up and improve your outdoor living space before spring arrives.
Topics: Blog, Retractable Screen Doors
Motorized window shades offer unparalleled convenience, as you can open and close them with just the press of a button. At Polar Shades, we strive to make adding a new remote to your window shade automation system just as easy as pressing an existing remote’s button. In fact, all you need to do to add a new remote is press a few buttons. Here’s a step-by-step guide to the process.
Topics: Electronics and Automation, Interior Shades, Blog, Exterior Shades
Imagine you've just redesigned a room in your home. You’ve found the perfect paint color, flooring, lighting and furniture to create a space you adore. Now, you need one final touch to pull the room together: fabulous window treatments! For a discerning homeowner, motorized drapery tracks make a sleek, modern companion to a beautiful room.
Topics: Interior Shades, Blog, Home Decorating
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