No Garden? No Problem! Easy Container Plants to Grow from Seeds

Posted by Polar Shades on May 28, 2020 5:00:00 PM
 These Box Plants Are Easy to Grow in the Desert & Without a Garden

Do you dream of having a garden, but don't have a lot of backyard space? Container gardening is a great option! There are many plants that are easy to grow from a seedling and don't require a full-sized garden to thrive. Here are a few of the best options:

If you enjoy cooking, then growing cilantro is a great option. This herb grows very quickly, and you can plant its seeds every couple of weeks to ensure you have a constant supply. It's an annual plant that can grow in any climate. It prefers full to partial shade and has medium moisture requirements. 

This is another herb that's very easy to grow in a small container. You'll want to continually trim the flowers before they bloom, and you can keep re-planting the seeds for a continual supply. There are many different types of basil you can grow, and some are also quite attractive. Basil plants prefer full sun and moist to medium soil that's well-drained. This annual plant will grow in any climate. 

More than just a garnish, parsley is an herb that can complement many different types of dishes. Choose flat-leaf or curly varieties or a mix of both. It prefers full sun to partial shade and medium to moist soil. This herb grows well mixed with other plants that enjoy the same conditions, like the sweet alyssum. They can grow up to a foot tall and wide, but you can keep the size under control by trimming it frequently. 

Prefer flowers? The zinnia will continually give you beautiful blooms until the first frost occurs. They come in many different colors and are easy to start from seed. These plants do best in full sun and medium to dry moisture. At maturity, they'll reach about 9 to 12 inches tall and wide. 

Sweet Alyssum 
The sweet alyssum is one of the most popular container plants thanks to its sweet-smelling flowers that bloom continually and grow in clumps. The flowers are usually purple or white and the seeds germinate quite quickly. This is an annual plant that will grow in all climates. It prefers full sun to partial shade and medium moisture. 

Marigolds are bright, cheery flowers with a strong smell. They grow well in containers all summer long and can repel bugs and even deer. At maturity, these plants from 6- to 8-inch clumps of flowers. They're annual plants that prefer full sun and medium moisture and will grow in all climates. 

This plant grows beautiful orange, red, and yellow flowers that are also edible! They have a peppery taste and are great additions to salads and soups. You'll need to soak the seeds for 24-hours before planting them and then they'll germinate in about a week. They do well with full sun and medium moisture. At maturity, they typically grow to about 1 to 3 feet wide and as high as 10 feet.

Container gardens are a great way to start a new hobby and beautify your outdoor space. Looking for more ways to enjoy your backyard? Check out these helpful articles:

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