Landscape Projects that Increase Property Value and Bring a High Return on Investment

As far as landscape projects are concerned, there are five basic tasks you can do to bring a higher return on investment (ROI). These are lawn care, landscape upgrades, patios & decks, and general updates. Here’s what you need to know about each: 

Lawn Care

Increase Your Home’s Property Value with These Landscape Projects

Lawn care could be anything from just doing regular lawn mowing to adding more plants. When planting grass on a lawn, it’s always best to go with a native variety. This will allow it to grow in all types of weather. Along with grass, don’t forget plants, especially potted plants. If you plan on planting them in the ground, be sure to add edging around them.

Landscape Upgrades

If the grass and the plants are not looking too healthy, then it may be time to upgrade the soil, fertilizer, pesticides, or any other elements that promote plant growth. When you add higher quality soil, it will instantly start showing the benefits. Another good landscape investment is a fire pit. Adding a designated area for people to gather and relax adds value to your home.

Patios & Decks

Much like fire pits, adding or expanding a patio is a great way to increase property value, as it allows provides an outdoor living space where you can enjoy fine weather with family and friends. And with additions like exterior shades, which block the sun and reduce heat, you’ll be able to get more use out of your patio, giving you a greater return on investment.  

Decks are similar to patios but are typically made of wood and elevated above the rest of the yard.

General Upgrades

Walkways, fences and outdoor lighting are just a few of the many general upgrades you can make to your yard. You can choose from a variety of walkway styles to accentuate the design of your home. You may also opt to add a fence around the garden or pool, or add creative lighting fixtures to your patio. All of these upgrades will elevate your property value. 

For more tips on how to increase the value of your home and see a higher return on investment, check out these blog posts:

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