Keep Clutter at Bay With These Genius Hacks

Posted by Polar Shades on May 11, 2018 10:35:58 AM

It's been said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is especially true when it comes to keeping clutter at bay, which is often easier said than done. Most people only start looking for de-cluttering solutions once things have gotten entirely out of hand. It doesn't have to be like that. If you are moving into a new home or simply looking for ways to better organize your home, take a look at these six simple strategies for preventing clutter:

6 Strategies for Preventing Clutter

Keep Your Home Clutter-Free With These 6 Hacks
  1. Leverage Labels
    Labeling the lids of every-day items and storage containers in your home will save you time and help keep you organized by delegating a place for everything and making it easier to find your things when you need them.
  2. Put Little Things in Special Places
    Sometimes the small stuff can cause the biggest problem. This is especially true when it comes to keeping track of miscellaneous items such as medications, first-aid supplies, batteries, light bulbs, pens, and more. Rather than storing all of them on their own, consider categorizing them and putting them together in labeled boxes that can be stacked on shelves.
  3. Make It Easy in the Entryway
    Entryways are the highest traffic areas in your home, which can get easily cluttered with shoes, sandals, sports equipment, keys, bags, and other items. That's why it's important to make organizing easy in the entryway. Install shelves for shoes and equipment, and wall hooks for keys and bags.
  4. Get Rid of Old or Unused Things
    Donating unused belongings to charity is one of the best ways to keep clutter at bay. Establish a place in your home to put things you no longer want or use. Then, once a month, take the basket to an organization that accepts charitable donations. Not only will you be keeping your home clear of clutter, but you’ll also be helping your community.
  5. Go Paperless
    These days, there are a lot of reasons to go paperless. It's good for the environment and it can make it easier to keep track of all your bills and documents while helping you reduce clutter. Organize your email and computer files so you know exactly where to find your documents when you need them.
  6. Make the most of your walls
    Walls are easy to overlook, but they are awesome for organizing – especially in the garage or broom closet. By installing shelving and hooks, you’ll be able to easily store your tools, cleaning supplies and athletic equipment in locations that are out of the way and easy to access.

Want more tips on how to make your home clutter-free? Give these blog posts a read for additional tips and organization hacks:

Topics: Home, Home Maintenance

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