Home Maintenance Professionals Every Homeowner Should Know

Posted by Polar Shades on Apr 15, 2019 10:31:25 AM

In order to keep your home well-maintained, you’ll need the help of various professionals from time to time. While there are some home maintenance tasks you can do yourself, certain projects require an expert. Here are some professionals whose contact information you should always have on-hand:

Hire These Experts to Keep Your Home in Pristine Condition

An Electrician

Electricians do more than wiring and installing bulbs and outlets. From setting up security systems to repairing blown fuse boxes and even installing landscape lighting, they are experts for all electrical work. Because this type of work can cause fire hazards is done improperly, it’s important to find someone who has many years of experience and a solid reputation. If you do not already have an electrician you work with, ask family and friends for recommendations.

Carpet Cleaners  

Rugs and carpets are not cut from the same cloth and require different treatments. Synthetic rugs are easier to clean, but wool will need specialized cleaning. Carpet cleaners know how to clean different materials so that they not only remove dirt but maintain the quality. Moreover, they use professional systems that will eradicate bacteria and mites lodged in your carpet. They also have a better understanding of stains and how to remove them. 


Plumbing emergencies are common and can happen anytime. That’s why an exceptional plumber is a necessity. From repairing leaking faucets to clearing blockages in your drain, they ensure your entirely plumbing system is running smoothly. They are also handy for issues such as burst pipes or a failed water heater.

Gardeners and Lawn Maintenance Experts

Lawn maintenance goes beyond mowing the grass. Garden and lawn maintenance experts ensure your property is in top condition by removing brush, debris and weeds; trimming hedges; designing the landscape; and even installing irrigation systems and lighting. 

HVAC Experts

A smooth and efficient HVAC system is crucial for any home. In extreme weather, such as the Las Vegas heat during summer, many air conditioning units work overtime to keep homes cool. This can cause them to break down. HVAC professionals can prevent small problems from becoming bigger issues, and regular inspections will ensure your system continues to work well when you need it most. 

Every homeowner should have professionals who they know and trust to perform these necessary tasks. For more tips on home maintenance, read here:

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