5 Easy Steps to Declutter Your Home in No Time

Posted by Polar Shades on Apr 1, 2019 10:54:10 AM

Decluttering is a careful process that requires proper planning. You can break down your decluttering project into individual tasks that can be completed in less than 15 minutes. Here are 5 easy steps you can take when organizing your home:

Follow These Steps to Easily Start the Decluttering Process
    1. Start with Your Pantry 

      If you love to cook, then your pantry (and kitchen cabinets) will need to be organized. You can begin by tackling a specific shelf in your pantry and organizing all spices, cans and jars. Rather than attempting to declutter the entire space, go shelf-by-shelf. If you don’t have time to do all shelves at once, complete one, then return to the others when you have more time.

    2. Next Is the Tupperware

      There are many ways you can approach that unruly Tupperware drawer. For example, creating labels is a fun and easy way of properly matching containers with their lids, especially if you have a lot of items. Any lids without matching bottoms can be tossed or used for other purposes. It is also good to consider if your drawer is properly sized for Tupperware placement. You may need to place partitions or holding containers that make storage easier. 

    3. Sort Through Your Clothing

      If your closet is a complete mess, tackling only one type of clothing at a time is an excellent approach. Start with shirts, then move to pants, sweaters, socks, etc. By organizing one type of clothing at a time, you can begin to restore your closet without becoming overwhelmed and losing motivation. 

    4. Tackle Condiments in the Fridge

      Your refrigerator will also need some decluttering every once in a while. Start with condiments in the door. Check all expiration dates, clean any sticky spills, and wipe all the tops, sides, and bottoms of your containers. 

    5. End with the Bathroom

      Bathroom counters, and even showers, are notorious for being cluttered and messy. Set yourself up for success by investing in storage solutions such as containers and shower/counter organizers to free up space. Then, go through and throw away any empty bottles, old toothbrushes, etc.

By following these steps, you can stop procrastinating and start getting your home organized without feeling overwhelmed. Here are some more home organization tips:

Topics: Organization

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