Add Dimension to Your Home With Creative Tile Placement

Tile is a versatile and creative way to enhance the look of your home. Thanks to ever-evolving manufacturing and printing technologies, today's tiles come in just about every pattern, shape, size, and texture you can imagine, so the opportunities to decorate with them are near limitless. Here are a few ways you can add dimension to your home with creative tile placement:

Tips to Enhance Your Home With Tile

Get Creative With Tile Using These Tips
  • Mirrored Tiles
    One unique tile available today is mirrored tile that makes for a perfect kitchen backsplash. Mirrored tile is an outstanding way to make a smaller kitchen or room appear larger and more aesthetically pleasing.
  • 3D Effect
    3D tiles come in a variety of colors and boast embossed and molded patterns that can change the dynamic of any room they are added to. When researching 3D tiles to add to your home, note large-format tiles tend to make spaces feel larger, while penny mosaics are ideal for more intimate spaces.
  • Eye-Fooling Designs
    Laying subway tiles for your bathroom or kitchen backsplash will give the visual appearance of a brick wall to create a New York subway station look. You can also use faux wood tiles to achieve the same aesthetic as actual wood, without the maintenance.
  • Bold Combinations
    More and more interior decorators are mixing and matching different tiles, fabrics and other design elements. You might pair faux wood tiles with marble tile borders or you can add colored grout to make your tile stand out.

There are many creative uses for tile. As with any design element, don’t be afraid to venture outside of your comfort zone for a daring design. Here are some more unique ways to enhance your interior design using creative elements: