Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Posted by Polar Shades on Feb 26, 2018 1:58:05 PM

Spring is the perfect time to start checking off those home maintenance tasks you’ve been putting off. It’s important to make sure your home is in pristine condition for the upcoming summer months. Here are some important elements of your home to inspect and update this spring:

Home Maintenance To-Do’s for Spring

Get Your Home in Tip Top Condition for Spring

Take Care of the Roof

Any damage done to your roof in the winter could lead to leaks in the spring. Handle any potential problems early to prevent more costly issues later. Look for loose shingles, clean out the gutters, and check for signs of water damage.

Repair Walkways

Did winter storms cause damage to your driveway or walkways? This is the time to address any cracks, missing pieces or uneven surfaces. This is an important step to prevent injuries on your property.

Amplify the Curb Appeal

Dig up any weeds from flower beds and in cracks in the driveway or sidewalks as well. Plant new flowers in bright colors to give your home a springtime makeover.

Call the Landscaper

While some gardening tasks can be tackled on your own, larger landscaping projects are often best left to the pros. Spring is the time for checking irrigation systems and sprinklers to be sure there are no leaks or blockages.

Check the Windows

Windows should be examined thoroughly; check interiors and exteriors for any damage to the caulking and weather stripping. Make sure the windows open and close properly and remove any buildup that might be causing them to stick. Don’t forget to give them a good cleaning.

Spring home maintenance will make your home feel fresh and new. For more home maintenance to-do’s to get you ready for springtime, give these blog posts a read:

Topics: Home Maintenance

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