Adding Visual Interest with Colorful Appliances

Posted by Polar Shades on Oct 10, 2018 1:52:30 PM

Many homeowners are seeking to restore a colorful splash to their kitchens. One of the best ways of doing this is by adding color to your appliances. Whether using a bold hue for your oven or a beach-like theme for your refrigerator, colorful appliances add visual interest to your kitchen. Here’s how you can get started:

How to Add Colorful Appliances to Your Kitchen

Add a Pop of Color to Your Kitchen with These Tips

Set a Focal Point Using a Distinct Color

Begin by deciding where the focal point of your kitchen is. In most cases, an oven (or main cooking area) is a useful focal point to use. The color that you choose for your cooking appliances will set the theme for the entire kitchen. For example, a light blue oven works well for a beach house kitchen, while a deep red hue adds a timeless, antique look to your cooking space. From the focal point, you can then match your countertops, cabinets and other neighboring appliances.

Create a Bold Contrast

A fully white or off-white kitchen can be spiced-up with a bold-colored oven, dishwasher, or refrigerator. To make this contrast work, have a few matching-pieces of the same color. For example, you could use a shade of orange for both the oven and dishwasher, while adding a matching light fixture. Also consider matching the hood of your oven with the appliance itself to create an interesting break.

Blend the Kitchen Cabinetry with Your Color Choices

Another way of adding visual interest to your kitchen appliances is by selecting a different dominant color. Take a break from the usual stainless-steel, white or brown finishes by extending the color choices you used for your appliances throughout your kitchen. A great way to do this is by matching your appliances to your cabinets. Not only does this create visual interest, it also ties everything together.

By implementing these tips, you’ll be able to create a lively, visually interesting kitchen tastefully. Want more kitchen design tips? Check out these blog posts:

Topics: Kitchen, Appliances

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