Tips for Cleaning the Tricky Parts of Your Home

Posted by Polar Shades on Nov 18, 2016 8:00:00 AM

bigstock-Dirty-Ceiling-Fan-32910026.jpgIn one public opinion poll after another, most people say they dislike cleaning because it’s boring. But there are some parts of the home that are anything but; in fact, by any definition, they’re downright tricky to clean.

You can avoid these places, as long as you realize they’re only going to get dirtier with time. Or you can learn how to tackle them once and for all. You might be surprised how simple the process can be when you know exactly what you’re doing. Consider:

Tricky ceiling fans

Cleaning technique: Place an old blanket or sheet at least twice the expanse of the blades on the floor. Fill a spray bottle with water and several tablespoons of vinegar and spray generously into an old pillowcase. Carefully climb a step stool and slide the wet pillowcase over one blade at a time. Rub the blade gently to remove the dust, which will land in the pillowcase while excess dust will fall on the old blanket or sheet.

Tricky garbage disposal

Cleaning technique: Pour 3 tablespoons of Borax down the sink and let it sit for one hour before flushing it for several minutes with hot water. For particularly nasty or lingering odors, freeze white vinegar in an ice cube tray. Empty the cubes into the chamber and turn on the garbage disposal.

Tricky mattress

Cleaning technique: Remove the mattress cover from your bed and set it aside. Pour baking soda into a shaker (like the kind you use for Parmesan cheese). Sprinkle a liberal layer of baking soda over the mattress to draw out moisture and eliminate odors. The longer you leave the baking soda on the mattress, the more effective it will be. Try to leave the baking soda in place for several hours before vacuuming and recovering your mattress. (If you have a bed wetter, leave a scant layer of baking soda on the mattress before you recover it.)

Tricky computer keyboard

Cleaning technique: There actually are several ways to “de-gunk” a computer keyboard of crumbs, dust and other debris. Begin by unplugging the keyboard before turning it upside down and shaking it gently to loosen particles stuck inside. Then turn it upright and spray compressed air around each key before using a fast-drying disinfectant wipe across the entire keyboard. Alternatively, use a disinfecting sanitizing wand, which works in mere seconds and kills germs so quickly and effectively that even hospitals rely on it. (For the mouse, unplug it before spraying compressed air on the underside. Clean the top with a disinfectant wipe before drying with a microfiber or other soft, lint-free cloth.)

Installing window shades in your home

Tricky places like these can make you even more grateful for window shades by Polar Shades. You can keep them looking great by simply vacuuming them gently with a soft vacuum attachment whenever they begin to gather dust, which may occur a little faster around sunny windows.

The low maintenance appeal of Polar Shades is just one reason to ensure all your home’s windows are dressed with shades from America’s leading shade manufacturer. Contact our window experts at 702-260-6110 for a free in-home consultation and learn how shades can infuse your home with color, beauty and style.



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