Tips for a Gardening Newbie

Posted by Polar Shades on Apr 14, 2017 8:00:00 AM

From flowers, to foliage, to veggies, home gardens are great! They offer outlet to de-stress and explore Mother Nature in new ways, and when you're done, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.

That said, if your gardening skills are greener than your thumb, it pays to do your homework. Here are a few newbie gardening tips we thought you'd find helpful:bigstock-Gardener-Doing-Gardening-Work--135218315.jpg

Start Small

It's much easier than you may think to plant more than you can handle. Begin your garden with a small patch. That will allow you to get acquainted with gardening basics while learning about weed and pest control during the process.

Create a Compost Heap

Compost is essentially a world of minerals and nutrients that come together to create happy gardens. It's made of organic matter, which, as it decomposes, becomes rich in elements optimal for enhancing plants' lives.

Mix it in with your garden's native soil when you plant your garden, then spread a thin layer over the top when everything's in place.

How do you get compost, you ask?

  • Make your own pile in an out-of-the-way place in a sunny spot of your yard;
  • Buy a compost container from a home improvement or hardware store;
  • Buy ready-made compost in bags.

Impart Walking Paths

It's important to protect your soil and the freshly-planted items it houses. Foot traffic can severely damage your garden and stop anything you've planted from growing. 

To prevent this gardening tragedy, create paths specifically meant for walking so you don't compact the soil and harm the roots of your plants. 

Stone walkways are great, but if you're still feeling out the gardening process, some simple boards will do the trick.

Maintain Good Habits when It Comes to Your Soil

Let your soil rest if it's wet. It's important to be kind to it when it's dry, too. Instead of using a rototiller, which can disturb the soil and create a powdery mix of dust and dirt, consider aerating it periodically by loosening it with a broadfork.

Amass a Mulch Collection

Mulch is meant to be your garden's best friend. 

Mulch is known to:

  • Moisturize soil
  • Suppress weed growth
  • Stabilize temperature

Make the most of mulch; your garden will thank you.

Install Patio Shades

Working in your garden is one thing, but sometimes, it'll be nice to sit back and sip on a cold drink away from the sun's glaring rays. Patio shades provide you with the perfect opportunity to enjoy your outdoor creation while simultaneously soaking in some relaxing shade. Retractable exterior shades provide the best of both worlds -- opening up to the world when you raise them, and shielding you from the sun when they're lowered. Call Polar Shades today at 702-260-6110 to schedule your free in-home consultation!

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