The Three Zones of Kitchen Storage

bigstock-Modern-Gray-Kitchen-Features-D-166085636.jpgThe next time someone asks you if you're “in the zone,” you may ask which zone they're referring to. If you're standing in the kitchen, the answer should be self-evident – at least if you're as organized as kitchen designers say you could be.

They recommend grouping your kitchen activities around three critical zones: the refrigerator, sink and range-oven. Since key functions take place in each of these zones, certain tools and accessories should be stored close-by to enhance efficiency.

While everyone can benefit from this “kitchen rethink” exercise, it may be particularly useful for people who hurriedly unpacked their kitchen when they first moved in. (And that's probably a lot of people.) Considering most Americans spend more than an hour a day in the kitchen, the “three-zone” notion should hold considerable appeal, no matter how much storage space a kitchen features.

1. The refrigerator zone

This zone sees considerable action when you arrive home with bags of groceries as well as when you begin preparing a meal. Therefore, it's helpful to have a countertop directly next to or across from the refrigerator to set down grocery bags and unload cold items in the refrigerator, as well as non-perishable items in nearby cabinets or a pantry.

Items this zone should contain:

  • Pantry or other storage
  • Small appliances (can opener, food processor, bread maker)
  • Food preparation equipment (mixing bowls, cookie sheets, muffin tins)
  • Preparation utensils (measuring spoons, cups, sifters and graters)

Complete this zone with:

  • A bookshelf for cookbooks
  • A broom or mop (in the pantry)

2. The sink zone

Ideally located between the refrigerator and range-oven, the sink zone is a virtual magnet for activity, between food prep and clean-up activities. Uncluttered counter space is vital, as are garbage and recycling containers within arm's reach to reduce spills.

Items this zone should contain:

  • Garbage and recycling containers
  • Cutlery
  • Glasses and dishes
  • Cutting boards and knives
  • Cleaning supplies
  • “Spillover” small appliances, or those that won't fit in the refrigerator zone, especially the coffee maker

Complete this zone with:

  • Coffee mugs, even if they take up room on the counter

3. The range-oven zone

Anything and everything that involves the cooking process ought to be included in this zone. An important inclusion: a counter to set hot food and to transfer food to serving dishes. The closer this zone is located to your eating area, the more functional it is likely to be.

Items this zone should contain:

  • Small, food-prep appliances (toaster, waffle iron, portable grill)
  • Pots and pans
  • Cooking utensils
  • Potholders
  • Cooling racks
  • Serving pieces and platters

Complete the zone with:

  • A spice rack
  • Table linens

Install Interior Window Shades from Polar Shades

Like any design concept, the “three-zone” kitchen is meant to be flexible and tweaked to reflect the habits and needs of the person or people who use it. Consider it a starting place – and the addition of interior window shades from Polar Shades as a fitting way to conclude your kitchen reorganization.

Call 702-260-6110 to schedule a free in-home consultation with the window and lighting experts of Polar Shades and ensure you maximize the light entering your kitchen – in any and all the zones you choose to create.

Design Guide