Motorized Shades Now Feature Amazon's Alexa

Alexa’s voice control just got even smarter. The Amazon device now has the capability to operate your motorized shades through Somfy’s MyLink voice commands. This gives you the ability to integrate your shades with your other smart home devices to create powerful routines that improve the convenience, safety and security of your home.
Getting Started

To get setup, simply log into your Amazon account using the Amazon app, search for the “Somfy myLink Smart Home” skill and click “Enable.” It’s as easy as that.
Creating Scenes and Schedules With Your Motorized Shades
Alexa-enabled shades allow you to take your daily routines to the next level by integrating them with custom scenes and schedules. A “scene” is the inter-connectivity of multiple smart home devices. A “schedule” is a scene that occurs at a specific time of day or at sunrise or sunset. Using the myLink app, you can adjust the settings in your entire home with just a few words. Here are some examples:
- Goodnight Scene
Before going to bed, simply say “Alexa, Goodnight,” to trigger a series of events like turning off the lights, closing all of the shades and locking the doors.
- Weekend Schedule
Waking up on Saturday and Sunday mornings is easier with a weekend routine. This may include opening up the shades, starting the coffee pot, turning on some upbeat music, and turning the television to the local news station.
- Vacation Schedule
No longer will you have to stress about preparing your home before you go on vacation. Instead, let Alexa do it for you. Set lights to turn on and off while you’re away, shades to open and close on a schedule, motion sensors and cameras to activate, and more.
Join the Smart Home Revolution
Are you ready to completely modernize your home? Stop by the Polar Shades showroom to see first-hand the style and sophistication that motorized shades can add to your home. Contact us today at 877-260-6110 for more information.