How to Determine Which Backsplash Is Right for Your Kitchen

Posted by Polar Shades on Apr 27, 2020 4:45:00 PM
Keep These Things in Mind when Choosing a Kitchen Backsplash

As you plan out a kitchen remodel, you’ll need to keep in mind that the styles, colors and designs you choose need to flow together. This is especially important when choosing a backsplash, as it will either complement or clash with the other elements of your kitchen. How can you determine which backsplash is right for your kitchen? Here are a few tips:

Set a Budget & Stick to It 
No matter how big or small your home improvement project is, you should always set a budget and stick to it, regardless of whether you’re hiring professional contractors or going the DIY route. By setting a budget, you’ll ensure that you’re making wise purchases, refraining from unnecessary expenses.

Choose a Design Style First 
Before you start looking at backsplashes, you need to choose a design style for the kitchen’s overall aesthetic. Eclectic, modern, traditional, transitional, rustic, and contemporary are just a few of the options. When you know which look you’re aiming for, it will be easier to consult with specialists about which materials, styles and colors you should select.

Pick a Color Palette Next 
Now that you have an aesthetic in mind, choose a color scheme that will complement the rest of the space. Most professionals suggest choosing a primary color and integrating accent colors. For instance, if you want blue walls, a white or black backsplash will add contrast without clashing.

Learn About Materials 
While ceramic tiles are among the most popular, there are also porcelain, glass, marble, quartz, granite, wood, and metal options to choose from. Consider which material not only looks best in your kitchen but also has the desired durability.

Make Sure Your Backsplash Is Sealed 
Once you choose a material, you should be aware of their sealing needs. For example, many stones like slate or marble need to be resealed once a year.

Don’t Neglect the Grout 
One of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make is forgetting to invest in quality grout. Grout secures your tiles in place and prevents dirt and debris from reducing its appeal and integrity.

Tie your Color Scheme Together with Window Shades 

Interior window shades from Polar Shades come in a variety of fabrics and colors to complement your kitchen color scheme. If you want to tie your backsplash in with the rest of your kitchen, window shades are a great way to do so. They will also protect your furnishings from harmful UV rays and keep your kitchen cool by reducing glare and heat gain. Contact us at 702-260-6110 to schedule a free shade consultation today.

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