How to Avoid Design Mistakes in Your Home

Posted by Polar Shades on Dec 12, 2016 11:39:29 AM

bigstock-Modern-Wooden-Cottage-House-In-152862890.jpgEveryone gets bored with their home from time-to-time. Yet most of us don't know where to start. Thankfully, switching up your decor doesn't have to be an exhaustive process. The first thing to be done is to take a good look around your interior and rectify the following common design mistakes that can make an interior feel dull and cramped:

  • Never underestimate the effect of good vs. bad lighting.  The most beautiful and well put together rooms can be thwarted by bad lighting, while the most simple of rooms can be made more complex and intimate with just the right touches of light. The two best things to remember here are to amplify natural light and layer with multiple soft lights. Avoid harsh and solitary overhead lamps. 
  • Decorations in moderation.  It's easy to fall in love with a favorite design element. Maybe a certain trend has caught your eye or you've got dreams about stenciling a painted design throughout your living room. Keep it simple and use decorations to enhance rooms, not dominate them.
  • Clean up the clutter.  With the holidays around the corner, you are more than likely to find yourself as the recipient of several well-meaning but ultimately unwanted gifts. Now is the time to go through your home and get rid of previous gifts and other belongings that have outlived their uselessness and become household clutter. Sort these things and either host a garage sale or donate them to a local organization. With the clutter gone, your rooms will feel fresher and more focused. Now, practice the art of removal when adding. Whenever a piece of furniture or decor feels off, take it out. Whenever adding a new element, take away something that didn't live up to its potential.
  • Play with your space.  One of the most common ways people set up their living rooms and similar sitting areas is to push all of the big furniture against various walls. While it seems like a natural spot, it isn't the best interior move for all homes. If you have a large living room or a more open flowing layout experiment with arranging your big furniture closer to the center of a room. This provides for a more inviting atmosphere that makes conversations between guests and family members easier and more natural. 
  • Design with a plan.  Finally, while it can be fun to just design as you go, the best-looking rooms are made with a plan. Having an overarching theme or style keeps a room from feeling too chaotic or adrift.
For more information on creating and sticking to a good design plan, download our Design Guide. And for more design help on controlling natural light where necessary and amplifying it where possible, contact Polar Shades at 702-260-6110 for a free in-home consultation.

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