4 Summer Cleaning Tips

Posted by Polar Shades on Jul 22, 2016 12:30:00 PM

Summer implies fun-filled vacations, lazy days at the pool, and backyard barbecues. Just because this is a season of relaxing, it doesn't mean you want to go completely hands-off when it comes to home cleaning. This is especially true for families with kids, where summers often mean the house sees more use and abuse by children and their friends. You can help make cleaning easier, and prevent yourself from succumbing any summer upkeep blues, with the following four tips and tricks:

1. Use Your Leftovers as Super Cleaners.

Did you know many common foods can double as effective super cleaners? Citrus fruits like lemons and grapefruits are great for cutting through the built up grime in your microwave and removing ugly water stains on your kitchen sink, while that leftover bit of vodka from the last party is ideal for deodorizing mucked up clothes and shining your porcelain fixtures.


2. Banish Summer Mold and Mildew.

Despite Las Vegas having a relatively dry climate, many people experience mold and mildew frustrations during the summer. That's because the hot season prompts many people, to cool off with pool dates and visits to the lake. When they come home, all their wet clothes and damp beach towels get thrown into the laundry room where the excess humidity mixes with the summer heat to make the perfect mold and mildew breeding ground; leading to a very smelly washing machine. You can rid your utility room of the smell and contaminants by pouring a cap full of vinegar into an empty load, run it on cold, and allow the machine to self-clean. We recommend doing this at least once a month throughout the summer. (Make sure to read the manufacturer's instructions first.)


3. Keep the Summer Pests at Bay.

Las Vegas is home to pests, including fire ants and scorpions, always on the lookout for a way into your cool and food-filled home. Use a vinegar spray to wash away any lingering scents from outdoor picnics and barbecues to deter ants, and ensure your plants are all kept well-trimmed to prevent unwanted scorpion infestations. While there's plenty of literature on using borax and other chemicals to prevent and eliminate pest infestations, please take notice these products can be dangerous to pets and small children. Utilizing an approach that eliminates food and habitat sources is the healthiest, most sustainable approach to keeping summer pests at bay.


4. Dusting Off Your Shades.

Dusting off your shades is often a chore that goes neglected. This is an easy one that can be completed in under 30 minutes. Check the manufacturer's instructions first, but most shades can be dusted and cleaned by vacuuming via a brush attachment or with a soft cloth and water.


Implementing these tips will be easy and help extend your summer fun by preventing a cleaning build-up down the road.

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